#PixInParks 2023 - Calero

23205 McKean Rd.

San Jose, CA  95120

(408) 535-4070

Calero - Rancho San Vicente Entrance - Parks and Recreation - County of Santa Clara (sccgov.org)

North Ridge/Lisa Killough

Trail Length: 1.9 miles (Loop)

Degree of Difficulty:  Easy

This is a very popular trail among the mountain bike community.  There will be lots of bikes on the first part of the trail until you reach the North Ridge Trail Junction.  Recommended times to go for less bike traffic is in the afternoon and weekdays.

Park Notes 

  • Defined by two distinct areas: the reservoir and back country; for boating information, call (408)355-2200 or go to parkhere.org 
  • Trails offer breathtaking views of reservoir, south Santa Clara County, surrounding Santa Cruz Mountain Range  

Trail Info & Highlights 

  • Dirt parking shared by horse trailers and cars; water and picnic tables near trailhead 
  • Beautiful wildflowers in the spring.

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