Santa Clara County Park Fees


    ​Daily Fee ​$6 ​In most parks
    ​Daily Fee (Disabled) ​No Fee ​Vehicles entering a park must display either a DMV Permanently Disabled Placard, DMV-issued Disabled Person License Plate or a vehicle containing an organized group from a Veterans Administration hospital. DMV Temporary Placards will be charged a vehicle entrance fee unless proof of permanent disability can be shown.
    ​Day Camp Staff & Volunteers Daily Vehicle Entry Fee ​50% discount off vehicle entry fee ​Discounted vehicle entry fee for staff and volunteers of camp programs.
    Annual Vehicle Entry Pass ​$95 12-month pass​
    Senior Rate Annual Vehicle Entry Pass $48

    12-month pass

    Available to those guests 60 years of age and older. Learn More. 

    Reduced-Price ​Annual Vehicle Entry Pass

    ​$15 ​Processing fee; Pass is processed through Social Services Family Resource Centers Learn More.
    ​Annual Vehicle Entry Pass for Active Military and Dependents ​50% off Annual Pass ​Discount for Annual Vehicle Entry Pass for active military and dependents (meeting set requirements) 
    ​Alviso Launch Ramp Entry - Gate Entry Card ​$75 ​Annual fee
    Senior Lifetime Pass Replacement $35

    Senior Lifetime Passes are no longer available. 
    $35 replacement fee if the purchase can be verified.

    ​Charter Bus ​$30
    ​Processing Fee ​$12 ​For pre-paid Vehicle Entry Fee
    ​Special Staffing Fee ​$80 ​​​Hourly rate for Park Maintenance and Park Ranger staff support
    ​Cancellation / Transfer Fee ​Refund Policy based on Timeline / Percentage The refund amount will vary based on the number of days prior to the arrival date or program start date in which the request is
    received. ​Requests received more than 30 days prior will be refunded 90% of the original transaction fee. Requests received between 30 days and 4 business days prior will be refunded 75% of the original transaction fee. There will be no refund for requests received less than 4 business days prior. The first request to transfer or change will be free of charge if requested more than 30 days in advance.
    ​Cleaning / Damage Deposit ​Cost of damage plus staff costs ​Staff costs are $80 per hour per staff member
      ​Daily Vessel Entry: CF ​$9 ​One day vessel entry for one CF vessel
      ​Daily Vessel Entry: Non-CF ​$5 ​One day vessel entry for one non-CF vessel
      ​Daily Vessel Entry: SUP & Float Tubes ​$3 ​One day vessel entry for one SUP or Float Tube
      ​Daily Boat Launch Reservation ​$8 ​Reservation for one boat launch for select location(s)
      ​Annual Vessel Entry: CF ​$90 ​12-month vessel entry pass for one CF vessel
      ​Annual Vessel Entry: Non-CF ​$50 ​12-month vessel entry pass for one non-CF vessel
      ​Annual Vessel Entry: SUP & Float Tubes ​$30 ​12-month vessel entry pass for one SUP or Float Tube
      ​Alviso boat launch ramp - gate entry card ​$75 ​Annual fee
      ​Replacement of Alviso gate card ​$25 ​Fee for lost or damaged card
      ​Vessel Inspection Daily Fee: CF ​$7 ​Vessel inspection for one CF vessel
      ​Vessel Inspection Daily Fee: Non-CF ​$4 ​Vessel inspection for one non-CF vessel
      ​Vessel Inspection Daily Fee: SUP & Float Tubes ​$2 ​Vessel inspection for one SUP, Float Tube, or RC Boat
      ​Vessel Inspection Annual Pass: CF ​$70 ​12-month vessel inspection pass for one CF vessel
      ​Vessel Inspection Annual Pass: Non-CF ​$40 ​12-month vessel inspection pass for one non-CF vessel
      ​Vessel Inspection Annual Pass: SUP, Float Tubes, and RC Boats ​$20 ​12-month vessel inspection pass for one SUP, one Float Tube, or one RC Boat.
        Tent Campsites ​$34     Drive-in campsites (Not Available at Sanborn Park); includes 2 vehicles' entry fees, RV dump fee; 8 people max.
        *Note:  Same fee for equestrian sites - horse required.
        ​​Hike-In Tent Campsites     ​$18     Sanborn Park only; Includes 2 vehicles entry fees; 6 people max.
        Hike-in Campground closed:  3rd weekend of Oct. through 3rd weekend of March (with possibility of extension).
        ​Unimproved Campsites​     ​$15     Camping associated with a special event/special use permit at a non-designated site, ie overflow parking lot.
        *Note: Per vehicle/Per night
        ​​RV Campsites     ​$44     ​Includes 2 vehicles' entry fees, RV dump fee, electricity, water.
        ​RV Sanitary Dump Fee     ​$25     ​​Fee is for non-camping RVs. This is not available at Sanborn County Park. 
        ​Camping: Off-Season Discount     ​25% discount off camping fee during off-season     Discount for the use of a Car, Hike-in, RV, or group campsite, or Yurt during the off-season,
        *Note: November 1st to February 28/29
        ​Camping/Yurts: Extra Vehicle     ​$10     ​Fee for each additional vehicle beyond the 2 permitted per campsite/yurt
        ​Group Campsite: Capacity 40 ​$140 ​Nightly fee at designated group campsite; must comply with set maximum vehicle limits
        ​Group Hike-In Campsite: Capacity 40 ​$100 ​Nightly fee at designated group hike-in campsite; must comply with set maximum vehicle limits
        ​Group Campsite: Capacity 50 ​$175 ​Nightly fee at designated group campsite; must comply with set maximum vehicle limits
        ​Group Campsite: Capacity 120 ​$300 ​Nightly fee at designated group campsite; must comply with set maximum vehicle limits
        ​Group Campsite: Capacity 150 ​$325 ​Nightly fee at designated group campsite; must comply with set maximum vehicle limits
        ​Group Campsite: Capacity 200 ​$365 ​Nightly fee at designated group campsite; must comply with set maximum vehicle limits
        ​Group Campsite: Capacity 240 ​$400 ​Nightly fee at designated group campsite; must comply with set maximum vehicle limits
        ​Group Campsite: Youth Group Discount ​50% discount off applicable Group Campsite Fee ​Discount for group campsite for youth group at all group camping sites; Group must be non-profit or
        not-for-profit, with at least 1 adult per 10 kids, primarily youth under age 18, cannot exceed 50% adults; Youth groups receive priority by being able to reserve 1 year in advance.

        Yurts /per night

        16' diameter $66 ​Per night; On-Season: March 1 to October 31; Includes 2 vehicles' entry fees; 6 people max
        ​​20' diameter     $81     ​​Per night; On-Season: March 1 to October 31; Includes 2 vehicles' entry fees; 8 people max​
        ​​24' diameter     $96 ​​Per night; On Season: March 1 to October 31; Includes 3 vehicles’ entry fees; 10 people max


        FEE​ ​NOTES
        ​Encroachment Permit Fee ​Fee set by County ​​Utility resource access or miscellaneous resource needs
        Staff Consulting Fee ​​Fee set by County ​1st two staff
        ​​Staff Consulting Fee ​Fee set by County ​​Any additional staff beyond 1st two staff

        Santa Clara County Parks is committed to making parks more accessible to everyone with discounts and programs that offer free and reduced vehicle fees.   

        Learn More


        Adult ​rifle/pistol range use​ ​$15

        fee is per day, for use of 7–100-yard ranges

        ​Discounted rifle/pistol range use​ ​$10 ​​fee is per day, for use of 7–100-yard ranges, for eligible persons 60 years of age or older, disabled, military, or first responders
        ​Junior rifle/pistol range use ​$6

        fee is per day, for use of 7–100-yard ranges, for eligible persons 12 years of age or younger

        200-yard range public day ​$20

        fee is per day and includes use for pistol 7–25-yard range and rifle 50–100-yard range on the same day. No discounts for senior/disabled/youth

        ​​Trap/Skeet Range Use (Individual) $9 ​​Includes 25 birds; no firearms provided
        ​Trap/Skeet Range Use (League) $7 ​Includes 25 birds; no firearms provided

        ​Trap/skeet half-day single private field reservation

        $70 ​Reservation fee for private use of one individual field at the Trap/Skeet Range; No firearms provided; 4 hours or less
        ​Trap/skeet full-day single private field reservation $120 ​Reservation fee for use of one individual field at the Trap/Skeet Range; No firearms provided; 8 hours maximum
        ​Trap/skeet half-day day range reservation $350 ​Reservation fee for all fields of Trap/Skeet Range; No firearms provided; 4 hours or less
        ​Trap/skeet full-day range reservation $585

        reservation fee for all fields of trap/skeet range; no firearms provided; 8 hours maximum

        200-yard range reservation ​$250

        fee for use of the rifle/pistol 200-yard range for permitted groups on non-public days; 8 hours maximum; no firearms provided

        Multi-purpose range reservation $250

        fee for use of the rifle/pistol multi-purpose range for permitted groups; 8 hours maximum; no firearms provided

          ​Park / Site​


          Peak Season Fee​

          March 1st - Oct 31st

          Non-Peak Season Fee

          Nov 1st - Feb 28th / 29th

          Live Oak​ ​100 ​$143.00 ​$107.00
          ​West Group (covered) ​50 ​$162.00 ​$122.00
          COYOTE LAKE
          ​Amphitheater ​100 ​$143.00 ​$107.00 
          ​Cottonwood Lake ​150 ​$303.00 ​$227.00
          ​Buena Vista (covered) ​150 ​$408.00 ​$306.00
          ​Velodrome ​150 ​$303.00 ​$227.00
          ​Sylvandale (covered) * ​100 ​$282.00 ​$212.00
          ​Yerba Buena (covered) * ​100 ​$282.00 ​$212.00
          ​Shadow Bluff ​100 ​$209.00 ​$157.00
          ​San Juan Bautista ​65 ​$176.00 ​$132.00
          ED LEVIN
          ​Elm ​200 ​$333.00 ​$250.00
          ​Spring Valley ​100 ​$190.00 ​$143.00
          ​Sandy Wool Lake (covered) ​75 ​$216.00 ​$162.00
          ​Oak Knoll ​75 ​$160.00 ​$120.00
          JOSEPH D. GRANT
          ​Stockman's ​400 ​$228.00 ​N/A
          ​San Felipe ​100 ​$143.00 ​$107.00
          ​Rose Garden * ​100 ​$143.00 ​$107.00
          ​Cookhouse (indoor w/kitchen) * ​60 ​$168.00 ​N/A
          ​Picnic Area (covered) ​75 ​$238.00 ​$179.00
          ​Edward (covered) ​300 ​$495.00  ​$371.00
          ​Edith (covered) * ​100 ​$282.00 ​$212.00
          ​Ethel * ​50 ​$176.00 ​$132.00
          ​Maybella ​50 ​$176.00 ​$132.00
          ​Leora ​50 ​$176.00 ​$132.00
          MT. MADONNA
          ​Amphitheatre (covered) * ​150 ​$358.00 ​N/A 
          ​Hilltop * ​100 ​$143.00 ​$107.00
          ​Redwood Grove ​100 ​$143.00 ​$107.00
          ​Azalea Knoll (covered) ​80 ​$162.00 ​$122.00
          ​Sequoia / Peterson Grove (covered) ​200 ​$358.00 ​N/A
          ​Costanoan (covered) ​100 ​$282.00 ​$212.00
          ​Ohlone (covered) ​100 ​$282.00 ​$212.00
          SANTA TERESA​
          ​Pueblo Group Area (covered) ​100 ​$192.00 ​$144.00
          ​Villa Maria  ​100 ​$190.00 ​$143.00
          ​Sycamore (covered) ​75 ​$216.00 ​$162.00
          UVAS CANYON
          ​Black Oak ​65 ​$120.00 ​$90.00
          ​Amphitheater ​50 ​$120.00 ​$90.00
          ​Circle ​150 ​$303.00 ​$227.00
          ​Lakeview ​100 ​$209.00 ​$157.00
          ​Peppertree ​100 ​$209.00 ​$157.00
          ​Creekside (covered) * ​100 ​$282.00 ​$212.00
          ​Meadowbrook (covered) * ​100 ​$282.00 ​$212.00
          ​Raintree ​100 ​$209.00 ​$157.00
          ​Gateway Pavilion (covered)* ​100 ​$282.00 ​$212.00​
          ​Blossom Valley* ​100 ​$209.00 ​$157.00

          *Some adjacent areas may be reserved together to accommodate larger groups 

          Off Season is November 1st through February 28th / 29th

          The following sites are classified as "Special Facilities" that do not qualify for the off season 25% discount:

          • Sequoia Peterson Grove - Sanborn Park
          • Stockmans - Joseph D. Grant Park
          • Cookhouse - Joseph D. Grant Park
          • Amphitheater - Mt. Madonna Park 

          Youth Group Discount: Youth groups meeting the set requirements are eligible for a 50% discount off any group picnic site Monday through Friday only.

          Parking is $6.00 at all parks except Los Gatos Creek Park has a $2.00 per hour option and Sycamore at Stevens Creek Park has no parking fee.

          ​FEE CATEGORY


          ​All Picnic Areas ​25% off ​Discount for the use of a picnic site during the Non-Peak Season
          *Note:  Non-Peak Season: November 1st to February 28/29

          ​FEE CATEGORY


          ​All Picnic Areas ​25% off ​Discount for use of any available picnic site, rented on the same day of the event.  The reservation must be made on-site at the kiosk or with a park ranger for same day reservations.
          *Note:  This is combinable with other discounts if applicable
          ​Miscellaneous Park Programs or Services ​Varies ​Charge not to exceed the actual cost of providing the program or service plus reasonable cost recovery of administrative overhead.
          RETAIL SALES ​ ​
          ​Retail Sales ​Varies ​Charge not to exceed the actual cost of providing the supplies plus reasonable cost recovery of administrative overhead

          ©2024 County of Santa Clara. All rights reserved.