South Bay Fishing in the City

South Bay Fishing in the City



Since 1995, South Bay Fishing in the City has taught thousands of local children how to fish through in-school programs and fishing clinics at various Santa Clara County and San Jose City parks. This program is designed to teach children how to fish, providing the foundation and skills needed so kids may continue to fish on their own.

On Community Fishing Days, children aged 5-15 learn how to fish in public lakes, ponds, and streams throughout their own community. The program also provides children an appreciation of the outdoors, basic environmental awareness, and promotes a sense of stewardship for parklands and wildlife. Thanks to the program’s partners, South Bay Fishing in the City is offered at no cost to the participants (any park entrance fees must be paid).

This event is a hybrid of online and in-person learning. Guests will complete a virtual learn to fish clinic consisting of 8 videos (total run time of about 16 minutes)

What to expect

This is a first come, first serve clinic operating from 8:00 – 10:00 AM.  Participants first go through a clinic on the basics of fishing, and then can fish up to 11:30 AM. We will not accept registrations past 10:00 AM.   All clinics are taught by our dedicated and knowledgeable volunteer staff. Participants are loaned a rod (an official ID is required for every two rods loaned), provided bait and tackle, and then try their luck at fishing for the remainder of the event! Please do not bring your own equipment.  You will be advised to secure your equipment in your car until the lake is opened back up to the public.  

Parental supervision is mandatory, but we encourage that kids be allowed to “do it themselves” – let them do the fishing!

Required before attending


2024 Event Dates and Registration
Date Time  Event Capacity Location Cost
Saturday, March 2



100 Sandy Wool Lake, Ed Levin County Park $6 vehicle entry fee
Sunday, April 21 8am-11:30am 100 Sandy Wool Lake, Ed Levin County Park $6 vehicle entry fee
Saturday, May 18 8am-11:30am 100 Perc Ponds, Los Gatos Creek County Park  $6 vehicle entry fee



South Bay Fishing in the City is proud to have the below partners:

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